An Invitation to Business Breakfast: Skills street Launch on 16th September

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Skills Street - a game changer for children, young people and adults from across the South Yorkshire region.

We would like to invite you to our Business Breakfast on 16th September at Gulliver’s Valley to find out more about Skills Street and how you can play a part in inspiring the future workforce of the region.

What is Skills Street?

Skills Street is an innovative and immersive experience developed to inspire and inform children, young people, and adults about the world of work.

Based on the site of the UK’s newest Theme Park Gulliver’s Valley, Skills Street will transform the way the region delivers work related experiences for young people, schools, families and educators. Skills Street is a new hands-on approach to developing, growing and honing skills.

This interactive centre will be delivered by a partnership between Gulliver’s Valley Theme Park, The Work-wise Foundation and The Source Academy, creating a Centre of Excellence to learn about the world of work across all sectors and industries.

Construction will begin in 2022 with the aim of opening Skills Street in 2023.

Skills Street will:

  • Inspire - Young people will be shown the amazing career opportunities available in the South Yorkshire area. This will be delivered by a team of edutainers who will bring the opportunities to life and showcase the variety of careers on offer.

  • Immerse - From primary age upwards children will be able to experience the wonderful world of work in a fun and interactive way through business-driven role play attractions.

  • Inform - Individuals and families will be able explore the great opportunities for careers and training in the region in a relaxed and informal careers community café.

  • Innovate - A creative environment will allow careers experiences encouraging people to flourish at all levels from school leavers to business leaders in the leadership academy through to returners to work.

Skills Street will be a game changer for the pipeline of employment in the region, switching young people on to careers across all sectors with its immersive street filled with businesses enabling learning by role play for all ages.

Come along and find out how you and your business can get involved in this exciting and  ground breaking initiative.

Book now online:                                                                                                                                                                   

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at


Business Leaders Set to Launch South Yorkshire’s Skills Street


Julie Dalton – Why are WE building Skills street?