Under Construction: Paving the Way for Innovation in Education and Business

On the edge of Rotherham on the site of Gulliver’s Valley Theme Park Resort, a groundbreaking project is underway, destined to reshape the landscape of education and business collaboration. Skills Street, a brand-new innovative education facility, is taking shape, promising to be a beacon of learning and creativity for both schools and businesses alike. Join us as we explore the exciting developments happening on this transformative facility, currently under construction and set to open its doors in 2024.

The Vision

Skills Street is not just a construction site; it's a vision coming to life. At its core, the project aims to bridge the gap between education and industry, creating a dynamic space where students can seamlessly transition from classroom learning to hands-on experience. The team behind Skills Street (which is a collaboration between Gulliver’s Theme Parks, The Work-wise Foundation and The Source Skills Academy) envision a hub where innovation thrives.

Education Redefined

One of the key features of Skills Street is its innovative approach to education. Zones are designed to simulate real-world business environments, providing students with practical, industry-relevant skills. From cutting-edge technology labs to collaborative workspaces, every inch of Skills Street is crafted with the goal of preparing the next generation for the challenges and opportunities of the modern workforce.

Business Integration

Skills Street is not only an educational hub but also a space where businesses can actively engage with the learning process. The facility offers dedicated spaces for companies to collaborate with educators, ensuring that the skills being taught align with the current and future needs of the industry. This symbiotic relationship is set to create a talent pool that is not only well-educated but also ready to contribute meaningfully to the workforce from day one.

Construction in Progress

As we eagerly await the grand opening in 2024, construction is in full swing. The site is a hive of activity, with skilled workers shaping the vision into reality. In our video, you can catch a glimpse of the careful planning and precision that goes into creating a facility of this magnitude.

Countdown to 2024

The anticipation is growing as the countdown to the opening of Skills Street continues. The collaboration between educators, businesses, and planners is a testament to the power of forward-thinking initiatives. Skills Street is not just a physical space; it represents a paradigm shift in how we approach education and its integration with the professional world.

Skills Street is poised to become a shining example of what can be achieved when education and business unite with a shared vision. As we eagerly await the unveiling of this innovative facility in 2024, we invite you to be a part of the journey. Stay tuned for more updates, and witness the birth of a groundbreaking space that will shape the future of education and business collaboration.


Welcome to Skills Street


Exclusive Educators’ Introduction to Skills Street